About Me

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Smoke Tree Commons

I've written quite a bit about the new shopping center going in near my house. Smoke Tree Commons is located on East Palm Canyon at Barona (Farrell).
Overall, I'm excited about having shopping within easy walking distance of my house and hundreeds of others. I hope I'm not the only one planning on walking to the bank, drugstore and grocery store. I mostly like the landscaping and layout of the center. What I don't like, and what I have shown in one of the photos, is the fact that the developer (with the city's allowance) tunrned the shopping center's back to Palm Canyon in one prominate area. They did better than many other shopping centers (The Springs at Vista Chino/Gene Autry for one), but why did the developer have to put an ugly side to Palm Canyon? Why not turn those service doors to the side parking lot? Is the parking lot more "important" than Palm Canyon?
On a positive note, I love the new landscaped median on Palm Canyon. I would have liked to have seen medians go in along Sunrise when the utility lines were buried recently. Can't you envision Sunrise with a landscaped median?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Russell - I did a photoblog on Smoke Tree Commons today - here's the link if you're interested.

