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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Sales Statistics for December 2008, 4th qtr '08

Below are the numbers for December '08 compared with December '07 and '06.  The 4th quarter results are here as well.  While the numbers from December '08 look promising, it's more important to see the 4th qtr numbers.  These are for the entire city of Palm Springs, single family homes.  

Palm Springs (single family homes)

12/08: median sales price $650K,  $210.85SF, 45 sales
12/07: median sales price $592K, $275.01SF, 55 sales
12/06: median sales price $400K, $285.64SF, 43 sales

4th quarter '08: $485K, $201.92Sf, 138 sales
                     '07: $530K, $279.94SF, 124 sales

I'll extrapolate south and central Palm Springs sales data a bit later.  And, I'll post the numbers for a few neighborhoods too.


RussellHill@dc.rr.com      760.902.3121       RussellHill.net


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Thanks, Russell. Always great to be up to date on the market.

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    It's unbelievable the drop in median and square foot prices. Here's to a better 2009.

  3. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Glad to see the median home prices are up...at least one stat looks okay.

  4. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Don't get too excited I've seen better growth in my garden that I never even water.
