Here's what happened on Tuesday, May 19, 2009.
Central Palm Springs:
New Listings:
1360 E Andreas Rd., Palm Regency, 2/2.5, $199,000.
246 N Saturmino Dr., Sunrise Park, $289,900.
1333 Tamarisk Rd., Ruth Hardy Park, 2/2, $429,000.
In Escrow:
155 W Hermosa Pl., #10, Villa Hermosa, 1/1, $149,000.
649 N Calle Marcus, Ruth Hardy Park, 2/1, $229,000.
1077 N Rose Ave., Vista Las Palmas, 5/3.5, $1,195,000.
South Palm Springs:
New Listings:
In Escrow:
2135 Sunshine Way, Sunshine Villa, 3/2, $224,900.
457 Desert Lakes Dr., Seven Lakes Country Club, 3/3, $279,000.
277 Neutra, Alta, 4/4.5, $1,999,000.
949 Arlene Dr., #A, Mesquite Greens, 2/2, $245,000.
7651 Calle Mazamitla, Cathedral Canyon CC., 2/2, $255,000.
Source: Desert Area MLS. Listings are not necessarily those of Zephyr Real Estate/RS Associates.
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Russell Hill 760.203.2959
More houses are going into escrow in the $1M+ pricing~~~that is wonderful news indeed. Let's hope they are able to close on these as lending in that price range is much more stringent than in the conventional arena. Those houses in Alta are just beautiful and it's nice to see that people are starting to snatch them up. I don't think I am familiar with the house in Vista Las Palmas but it looks very nice.