New Listings:
1119 Via Tenis, Sunrise Racquet Club, 3/2, $225,000 (Short Sale)
207 N Airlane Dr., Sunrise Park, 4/3, $257,400 (Bank Owned)
In Escrow:
365 N Saturmino Dr #5, Sunrise Park, 2/1.75, $119,000
234 Villorrio Dr E., Villorrio, 2/0, $300,000 (Short Sale)
572 W Arenas Rd #1, Tennis Club, 3/3.5, $390,000 (Short Sale)
1152 N May Dr., Ruth Hardy Park, 3/2, $399,500
720 Camino Norte, Las Palmas Heights. 4/4.5, $814,800 (Bank Owned)
750 N Paseo de Anza, Ruth Hardy Park, 2/1.5, $195,000
New Listings:
4377 E Camino San Simeon, Demuth Park, 2/1, $174,000
78 Lakeview Dr., Seven Lakes C.C.. 2/2. $409,000
1138 E Cactus Rd., Deepwell, 3/3.25, $739,000
In Escrow:
2400 S Caliente Dr., Canyon North, 3/3, $599,000
1545 Palm Colony, Biltmore Colony, 2/2.5, $509,900 (Bank Owned)
Source: Desert Area MLS. Listings are not necessarily those Zephyr Real Estate/RS Associates.
New Listings:
1119 Via Tenis, Sunrise Racquet Club, 3/2, $225,000 (Short Sale)
207 N Airlane Dr., Sunrise Park, 4/3, $257,400 (Bank Owned)
In Escrow:
365 N Saturmino Dr #5, Sunrise Park, 2/1.75, $119,000
234 Villorrio Dr E., Villorrio, 2/0, $300,000 (Short Sale)
572 W Arenas Rd #1, Tennis Club, 3/3.5, $390,000 (Short Sale)
1152 N May Dr., Ruth Hardy Park, 3/2, $399,500
720 Camino Norte, Las Palmas Heights. 4/4.5, $814,800 (Bank Owned)
750 N Paseo de Anza, Ruth Hardy Park, 2/1.5, $195,000
New Listings:
4377 E Camino San Simeon, Demuth Park, 2/1, $174,000
78 Lakeview Dr., Seven Lakes C.C.. 2/2. $409,000
1138 E Cactus Rd., Deepwell, 3/3.25, $739,000
In Escrow:
2400 S Caliente Dr., Canyon North, 3/3, $599,000
1545 Palm Colony, Biltmore Colony, 2/2.5, $509,900 (Bank Owned)
Source: Desert Area MLS. Listings are not necessarily those Zephyr Real Estate/RS Associates.
RS Associates, Steve Frank, (760) 333-264 Steve@rsinthedesert.com
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This just made my day much brighter. Thanks a lot. Something else I across was this http://www.m1properties.com/.Take a look!
Please give this message to the Villorrio HOA:
I sent the below message last week and have hear nothing. I put my faith in a couple whose core values were slightly different than mine, and that faith had been broken. Mike Holt had an opportunity to steal and get away with it and that's what happened here. I do not believe Robert is even aware of the matter and would wish for me to have my security deposit returned. Mike has been hostle and declines to talk to me. Lesson learned? Renter Beware - because if you don't this is what happens.
I am trying to get a message to Robert Tadych at 213 Villorrio Dr East. Seems his partner Mike, is practicing bad business by not returning security deposits. I was more or less a caretaker of their property and it was immaculately kept for my entire 6 week stay. Floors polished, kitchen spotless...I don't believe Dr. Robert Tadych would withhold my security deposit, as my room was returned in as good a condition as when I received it. I also took photos because Mike could not come to do a walk thru. However Mike, Roberts partner, was behaving strangely, by not returning e-mails while I lived there, especially the ones pertaining to the refund of my security deposit. I have never in my 20 years of renting had a security withheld or deducted from. Mikes # is 562-714-4270. I need to have his partner Dr. Robert Tadych contact me. Shara, Jolie and a person named Robin at Villorrio may be able to get a message to Dr. Robert Tadych. My contact info is: ra7682@gmail.com
Im a newbie here, although i have been watching on the sidelines for a little while.
Im a part time librarian, love baking and my wesie Daisy. I also am way too excited about Christmas for words!!
I cant wait to get on here some more and 'meet' lots of new people!
thanks, Dennis from [url=http://www.myonlinepayday.com]My Online Payday[/url] website!
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